The Blogger App: Is It as Bad as the Ratings?

Hello there! It's been a long time since my long hiatus and I have decided to continue writing my blog. Although at first I was put in a dilemma on which platform to use. Should I just continue my Blogspot blog? Or make a new one? After one eternity later ... I decided to revive this blog. So then I searched the playstore for the Blogger app (I'm an android user). And I was a bit taken aback by the ratings. It's got 3.6 stars with 10+ million downloads. But as they say , "Do not judge a book by its cover" , I downloaded the app despite all the warnings . First Glance When you open the app, the first thing you'll see is a simple, clean, minimalistic dashboard, where you have your "Published" posts and "Drafts". Next, you'll find the "create post" button in the downright corner. And on the top, you have your blog's name; if you have multiple blogs it will open as a drop-down menu and from there you can switch from one blo...